- 6 bedded ICU & 3 bedded high dependency unit.
- Each ICU bed is attached with separate relative cubicle which has independent access, where relatives can stay along with the patient separated by see through glass without disturbing patient & maintaining privacy.
- Relative cubicles are not charged.
- Round the clock availability of qualified & experienced intensivist.
- Best of trained & experienced nursing staff.
- Multipara monitors ( with EtCO2) central monitoring system.
- Invasive & Non invasive ventilators.
- Defibrillators with trans cut pacing.
- Transvenous temp pacing.
- Drug delivery system (Syringe pumps & infusion pumps)
- Therapeutic & diagnostic bronchoscopy.
- Arterial blood gas system
- Invasive hemodynamic monitoring (basic)
- Central oxygen
- Hemodialysis
- Echocardiography